On our actual one year anniversary I was at Girls' Camp! It is

kinda different here they go Saturday to Wednesday. I was over evening programs with another sister. It was so much fun. Our first task was to decorate the stage area- which my partner told me had to be really impressive. I didn't have any super creative ideas- but everyone was actually really impressed and I guess it turned out pretty good- I don't have anything to compare it to since this was my first time since I was a teenager.
I got to stay in the cabin with all the leaders- and let me tell you

those women can be pretty crazy! It was lots of fun and although I actually felt kinda lame because I didn't stay up super late every night (That whole being tired when you are pregnant really is true!)
Every night we had to take care of the big activity and it was so much fun. Sunday turned out really great and we heard lots about it in the testimony meeting. We did a musical fireside with a video that

coordinated with the music- a Nashville Tribute to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Loree made the video- it was amazing. On skit night I didn't have anything super funny as far as being the MC for inbetween the skits so I taught the girls a dance that I learned when I was a teenager- It was crazy how when I started to do it I didn't even have to think about it- it is second nature to me. Sharissa and I had to have done that dance hundreds of times before.
It was fun getting to know the girls in our ward better- since I'm not in YW I hardly know any of them- and they are so fun!
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