Sunday, August 30, 2009

it's a BOY!!!

Friday we found out that the little thing growing inside of me is a BOY! I was so excited when my dr wanted to do an ultrasound at 18 weeks instead of the typical 20 weeks. Drew just couldn't wait to find out. He kept telling me that I was the mother and I should just know what we were having. He always wanted me to guess- but I wouldn't. I just figured I would wait until the ultrasound and not start guessing. On Friday morning he told me that we were definitely having a girl. He said that he had another dream that it was a boy- so he knew he was too emotionally involved and it would be a girl.

When we started the ultrasound it was so cute- his face was all big just looking straight up! Then she asked us if we wanted to know if it was a boy or girl and we told her we definitely did. So she moved on down and then said- looks like its gonna be a boy. She said it so quietly though that I didn't think Drew heard her since he was sitting behind her. I was just smiling and laughing and looked at Drew had pretty much already noticed it on the screen but he turned to her to confirm what he thought he saw and what he hoped he had heard. Then she wrote up on the screen- boy! After that she went through and checked all the other essential parts- it was so neat seeing the heart, kidneys, they check it all. The little feet were so cute too!

We had a little sex party that night with some family announcing that it was a boy. The majority were guessing girl since they said Drew wasn't excited enough for it to be a boy- but he was just playin it cool. To announce it Drew hid a blue balloon under his shirt and after all the guesses were in he pulled it out!

It is so fun to officially know- now Drew and I just have to agree on how we want to decorate the baby's room! Oh and the official name is Gehrig. (after Lou Gehrig- for those of you that don't know who that is he is a very famous Yankee baseball player- arguably the best ever- and Drew's favorite.)


Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Congrats! Amy told me this weekend when I stopped by to visit and hold Elle- and that is one seriously awesome name!!!! I can't think that I have ever heard it other than the man himself-

The other Woff den is glad it isn't going to be left up to Calvin to carry on the name-

Congrats again!

Gretchen said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting!!

Jazz and Rod said...
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Jazz and Rod said...

So cute! Love the name choice too! Rod and I like a few baseball player names for boys - guess we gotta get pregnant first in order to use them! Congrats to you both!

Sorry had a typo in the last one so I had to delete it! :~)

Natalie said...

Yeah! Thats is so exciting. Nick is going to be jealous jk.

Lisa said...

YAY!!!! LOVE THE NAME TOO!!! Katee i'm so excited for you!!

the Smith's said...

How fun! Can't wait to see the cute little guy! What an awesome name too!! You two are so creative!!
Congrats mommy and daddy!!!!

AshEnds said...

Congratulations Katee, you'll love having a boy, I can't believe how much I love it.

The Miller's said...

CONGRATS!!!!! Having a boy is lots of fun they keep you busy.


congrats, boys are so much fun!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey, we just came across your blog and I am soooo excited for you two!! I had no idea you were expecting and I love the name! CONGRATULATIONS!! Tamra and Kelly Householder